Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Help Is On The Way

Hopefully help is on the way for the craziness that is going on over at Wall Street (I'm glad that Congress didn't just do a quick approval vote on Monday and rather took a couple more days to look at the ramifications of what the bailout plan proposed by the government for Wall Street means - actually two days isn't really enough to examine what this will mean for the country at large, but it seems that something needs to be done in a hurry to avert even more craziness on Wall Street).

Anyways, I'm not here to talk about that kind of help, rather I want to put a spotlight on a comic book that came out last week from Dark Horse called Help Is On The Way, a collection of an online comic strip called Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer. Basic Instructions is a four panel comic strip with how-to titles such as: "How to Lie to a Child", "How to Call in Sick", How to Open a Snack Quietly", and "How to Accept Gratitude". Consider these words of wisdom from "How to Greet People": "Many men employ a silent head nod as a greeting. This is the greeting equivalent of tofu, as it is interpreted by the greetee based on their mood." or from " How to Slow the Spread of Germs": "I recommend you sneeze into a megaphone. This allows you to channel the germs away from people you don't want to infect, and focus them like a laser on people you do."

Help Is On The Way / Basic Instructions is drawn by Scott Meyer tracing photographs (his words from a strip in the book) and really just looks like your basic training manual that is illustrated. Go to: www.basicinstructions.net to read some of the strips, but the book is a mere $9.95 for 120 pages.

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