Monday, June 7, 2010

FreakAngels v.4

FreakAngels is a post apocalyptic online comic that Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield have been doing since February of 2008, with this, the fourth collection, having just arrived last week.

FreakAngels, like Daytripper (not that they're similar in any way), is a comic / graphic novel that I never have much new to say regarding how great they are, but I like to celebrate when a new edition comes out on Ich Liebe Comics! because they really are the best of the best.

Seriously, is there anything Paul Duffield can't draw!? While I'm not in a hurry for this series to end, I am curious as to how long Warren and Paul project this series to be, so if someone could ask them on twitter (especially Warren Ellis, as I've heard he uses that a lot), I'd appreciate that (grin)!

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