Friday, December 5, 2008

Epstein is stylin' pt. 2!

I can't count the many ways that Epstein as Astro Boy rules! As a refresher for those who haven't read earlier posts about the origins of my mascot Epstein, I told my friend, Keir Eastvelt, who first drew Epstein some 13 or so years ago, that I wanted a lizard wearing ska attire, exuding attitude and I named him Epstein after an in joke from a group of friends of mine.

Epstein as Tin Tin is also one of my favorrites and I hope it's one of yours also!

Okay, again, we have Epstein as a character who really has nothing to do with comics, but I HAD to have this image of Epstein as one of the Super Mario Bros in my store!

Click on the photo to the left of the more tradional looking Epstein on top of comic boxes and you'll get some idea of how much work Ron put into this piece. It actually needs to be seen in person to really see how multi-layered this piece is. So come on down!

1 comment:

Ancient Flounder said...

Epstein Astro Boy looks fantastic. Ron did a really great job on all the redesigns.