Brieanna Brock (look her up on facebook), who wears many hats, both figuratively and literally, as she cosplays as many comic characters, including ones from Zenescope, is Rave theater's first Saturday of every month midnight scream queen host (she goes by the name Selena, Mistress of the Ring when she does that), and contributes to, in addition to just being an all around great promoter of artists and all things fandom related, is friends with all of the many artists who came into town this weekend, and she made this whole event possible.
Here in this first photo is Jamie, with a BEAUTIFUL Red Sonja piece of art he commissioned from Eric Basaldua!
Pat, checking out some art from the Arizona artists side of the event area (we segregated Eric to a table opposite them as he's from California - grin).
From left to right, artists April Reyna, Jean Arrow, and Andy Bohn. I was amazed at the quality of art that was done by all of the artists, as they were working on very little sleep, from two previous nights of doing the Vegas thang!
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