Sunday, June 5, 2011

X-Men First Class - Go see this!

No spoilers following - just some excited impressions I had after seeing X-Men First Class today:

Kate and I LOVED XFC, we didn't have a problem with anything that was done in this movie! This movie was cool, smart, and very well paced. I really enjoyed the Thor movie, but I liked X-Men First Class even more! I didn't know until the credits rolled that Bryan Singer co-wrote XFC. Had I know this beforehand I would have been concerned because Singer did a horrible job with his Superman movie.

Anyway, X-Men First Class is a REALLY good movie and although, yes there are changes in respect to comic book continuity, I actually think all of the changes were good changes and I wish the X-Men comics were as engaging as this movie was. And I was rooting for Erik the whole film.

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