Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Star Trek - the movie; fascinating!

No spoilers following:

I just got back from a sneak preview of the new Star Trek movie and I give it the full Live Long and Prosper salute! I liked the original Star Trek television show when I wee lad quite a bit and enjoyed Star Trek Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager, but didn't watch any of the other television series and of the Trek movies I've seen, none of them have really wowed me. This new re-visioning of the Star Trek franchise is going to do really well with just about all audience demographics, including lapsed sci-fi fans such as myself. The cast and story are great(with humor, suspense, great motivations and good chemistry between the actors / characters), as are the special effects. This new Star Trek movie gets up and going from the very start and doesn't let up at all. I just saw it on a regular sized movie screen, but I'd say if you get a chance to see this in IMAX - go for it!


Andrea Walter said...

Talked to you about it today at the store, I'll take your word and try and watch this in IMAX.

Just like you I was only a fan of the original Trek series, Next Generation and Voyager.

Red She Said said...

Arlen went to the first showing last night (IMAX of course!) and had a blast. He even took that communicator toy you gave him to the show, ha ha! He liked it so much he went back this morning and watched it again. Despite his attempts to get me to go with him, I won't be watching it anytime soon. :)